You as a sender, imagine your emailings are blacklisted at the worst time!

The result for retailers and shops would be an immediate sales collapse because a large amount of emails will be placed in the SPAM folder or even rejected. The senderproof Blacklist Monitor checks your IPs and domains around-the-clock and in near real-time. As soon as an event occurs you will be informed by email and you are able to request delisting directly from that email.


  • 24/7 real-time monitoring of mail server, IP address and domain for DNS blacklists
  • Email alerts with instant delist request in real-time
  • Creation of multiple profiles is possible
  • Dashboard with event viewer and grphical evaluation
  • Blacklisting history for each IP address and domain
  • Selection of DNS blacklists to be checked for each profile
The senderproof Blacklist Monitor monitors your IPs and domains. So you can respond at any time and immediately apply a delisting in case of an emergency

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